Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Match

I don't believe I've posted exactly how the process works. Starting in the beginning of 4th year, I applied to all the programs I'm interested in. Then I continuously stalk my email waiting for interview invites. From Oct-January, - that's interview season. People spend a lot of time and money on traveling to these interviews (I have 3 next week), and time at home decreases....

On February 23, I have to submit my rank list. Basically, I rank the programs I interviewed at in the order I want to do my residency at. On March 14, I will get an email that says one of two things 1) Congrats you have matched or 2)I'm sorry, you did not match. Then on March 17th at 1pm eastern time, I will find out where I'm going. I think the worst part is finding out if I match.

There is so much more to this process than I had ever imagined!

1 comment:

  1. I always enjoy reading your blog! You have some hilarious stories! I take it you are doing the MD match instead of the DO match?
