Friday, January 30, 2009

Snow and Jake

So this week Ohio got hit by a big snow/ice storm. School was canceled Tues-Friday so I enjoyed that break. My car basically got buried by the ice. I couldn't even see my door handles! My friend Jeff had to come help me de-ice my car because my scraper was stuck inside my car. Anyways, it took us about an hour and we pulled off some huge pieces.

Jake arrived yesterday and will be here until Monday. I'm really excited to have him here this weekend. I was starting to get crabby (so was he). We're basically just laying low. Although tomorrow night we're going out to dinner with some friends.

Oh yeah, I'm dogsitting Izzy for Paul and Brenna. It's been fun to have a dog here, although she puts me on a schedule!

1 comment:

  1. YAY jenny for a new blog. Sorry about all the snow but that's why I live in Texas. Snow is afraid of us!!

    If you need help with your blog, let me know and I'll do my best to help!

